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January 20 ,2015
MEETING:   January 20, 2015
TIME:   7:00 PM
LOCATION:  Town Hall Annex            

REQUESTED BY:   Princeton Conservation Commission
All meeting notices must be filed and time stamped in the Town Clerk’s office and posted on the
Municipal Bulletin Board 48 hours prior to the meeting (in accordance with MGL c. 30A, s 18-25 )

The listings of maters are those reasonably anticipated by the Chair which may be discussed at the meeting.~ Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.


  • A continuation for a Notice of Intent filed by Terra Environmental for the Town of Princeton for the reconstruction of Route 140 (Redemption Rock Trail) from the East Princeton Fire Station to the Route 31 intersection. The project consists of full-depth box widening of the traveled way from an existing 24'-26' of pavement to a proposed 30' of pavement which will provide two-11' travel lanes and two-4' paved shoulders for enhanced safety for pedestrians and bicyclists, etc. Ancillary work shall include tree removal where necessary, relocation of utility poles, construction/repair of culvert headwalls, replacement of compromised culvert(s), cleaning of drainage structures and culverts, grading of earthen shoulders beyond the pavement, and installation of erosion controls.~


  • A Notice of Intent was received from Alternatives Unlimited, Inc. for property located at 42 Pheasant Hollow Run.  The applicant wants to repair 10’-15’ length of damaged drainage swale and to clear a small amount of debris restricting flow through the culvert.
  • Informal discussion with Martha Upton from 1 Rhodes Road regarding work to a septic system at that location,
  • Informal discussion regarding Lot 2, Jefferson Road DEP File No. 267-326 for a change of ownership and questions regarding the Order of Conditions (expired).
  • PCC received a letter dated December 23, 2014 from David Getman of resignation as a member of the Princeton Conservation Commission.
  • PCC received Revised Wetlands Protection Act Regulations and forms.

  • Agenda item for topics not reasonably anticipated by the Chair 48 hours in advance of the meeting.

Commission Business, mail, procedures, etc.
  • The minutes from the December 16, 2014 meeting will be read and accepted.
The next meeting of the PCC is scheduled for February 17, 2015.